C Fundamentals

The C program is a set of functions. A C program always starts executing in a special function called main() function. Your program ends when main()'s closing curly brace is reached. One of the most common library functions is called printf(). This is C's general-purpose output function. The printf() function is quite versatile, allowing many variations. Its simplest from is shown here:
       printf("Hello programmer\n");
       return 0;

The first line is the #include directive. C program uses this directive to load  external function library - stdio is C library which provides standard input/output printf is a function which is declared in the file called stdio.h .
The next is the main function the first entry point of all C programs.C program logic start from the beginning of main function to the its ending.
And finally is the printf function which accepts a string parameter. The printf function is used to print out the message to the screen.
Next You have learn how to write the first program  C

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